1926 : Wolf Mark started the business known as Mark and Son Metal Products. The company originated as a junk business in Mount Kisco, New York. Over time, the company evolved into a builder's structural supply business.
1969: Isadore Mark (Wolf's son), Harry Bookin, and James Phelps purchased Mark & Son Metal Products from Wolf, and relocated the business to Bedford Hills, New York. Mark & Son Metal Products evolves into a structural steel fabrication business.
1972: Isadore Mark passed away. Harry Bookin and James Phelps purchased Isadore's share of Mark & Son Metal Products.
1983: James Phelps retired. Jeffrey Herman purchased James Phelps share of Mark & Son Metal Products and became partners with Harry Bookin.
1985: Harry Bookin retired. Shop foreman Jerry Marfe purchased Harry Bookin's share of Mark & Son Metal Products and became partners with Jeffrey Herman.
1992: Jerry Marfe retired. Jerry's son, Henry Marfe, purchased his father's shares of Mark & Son Metal Products and became partners with Jeffrey Herman.
1999: A brand new facility was constructed on Railroad Avenue in Bedford Hills, New York. As a result of the move, Mark & Son Metal Products has been able to increase the company's production capability, and business has been increasing ever since.
2007: Addition of the "Ocean Avenger" a CNC drill line to increase production and improve accuracy.
2008: Addition of the "Peddinghaus AO623" a CNC angle line to work in tandem with the drill line.
2019: Jeffrey Herman retires and Henry Marfe becomes the sole owner of Mark & Son Metal Products, Inc.